Sunday, September 11, 2016

Because I've Been Thinking...

Well, the Seahawks game isn't on my TV, so I am watching the documentary mini-series called The Sixties. It is on Netflix right now too.

It was astounding that in such a tumultuous time in America, Congress managed to pass so much legislation to move America into the 20th century. I just find it interesting that we are reaching another tumultuous time (if we aren't already there) and Congress can't get anything done.

To "Make America Great Again" it's not about electing one person in November. It's about electing multiple people into multiple offices. To "Make America Great Again" we don't need one person to do it for us (that takes on the direction of a dictatorship). We all need to compromise like we use to, and come to grips that we aren't always going to get our way. This is both in Congress and every other American. I feel like the general consensus these days is that "I can have my opinion because of the First Amendment and it is the right way because of the First Amendment and because it is the right way, it must be the only way... because- First Amendment."

It's not about you; it's not about him or her; it's not about me. It's about us. You cannot spell the U.S. without us.

Have your opinion, speak your opinion, but don't belittle people for theirs, and actually listen to their opinions. And be willing to compromise. It's also called sharing. And weren't we taught that as toddlers? So why can't we do it as adults?